On Saturday I took a class from
Nicole Hill (Photography 101). It was an all day class from 9-4 where we learned a lot about how to shoot manually and also learned lighting techniques and a few other things.
Nicole is an amazing photographer and was an awesome teacher and very nice and down to earth.

I can't believe how much I learned! She explained things so well and made everything I have learned and that I learned from her just come together and make sense! I am so happy I was able to do it.

Trey and Allie got to have a daddy-daughter day and they had fun. They went down to Grandma and Grandpa's and also went to some friends' to watch the BYU game. I met up with them there after my class and got to watch the last half of the game.

I took these pics of Allie on Sunday after church. I can't believe how much my pictures have improved since taking the class! I really couldn't be happier about it.

It was hard to get a good one of Allie because she is so active and won't look at me anymore.

All I did to these pics was sharpen them a little. Other than that these are all straight out of the camera.

I am excited to keep refining my skills and eventually be the photographer I want to be!

No, my husband doesn't wear jerseys...just on game days :)
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